The Crimean Tatars From Soviet Genocide to Putin’s Conquest Brian Glyn WILLIAMS Oxford University Press, New York, 2015. ISBN: 978-019-049470-4 240 sayfa; 15,6 x 23,5 cm. İngilizce Massachusetts-Dartmouth Üniversitesi’nde İslâm Tarihi profesörü olarak çalışan Brian Glyn Williams’ın “Sovyet Soykırımından Putin’in Fethine Kırım Tatarları” adlı kitap Türk, Rus ve Kırım Tatar kaynaklarını kullanarak ve gizliliği kalkan KGB belgelerine de dayanarak Tatarların gizil trajedisine ışık tutuyor ve Rusya’nın soykı-rım teşebbüsünü açığa çıkarıyor. Kırım’ın işgalinde Putin’e kafa tutan tek “muhalif millet” Kırım Tatarlarının tarihini geçmişten günümüze dek İngilizce bilen okurlara hikâye ediyor. Kırım Hanlığı’nın 1783’te Çarlık Rusyası tarafından yıkılışı, göçler, Kırım Tatar aydınlanma hareketi, sürgün ve Kırım’a geri dönüş kitabın ana konuları.
Gwendolyn SASSE. : Harvard University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2007 ISBN : 9781932650013
Darya KAVITSKAYA. Yale University, 2010 ISBN : 9783895866906 Açıklama : Languages of the World/Materials 477. 140pp Crimean Tatar is a Turkic language of the West Kipchak subgroup, spoken mainly in Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula and in Uzbekistan, as well as in small communities in Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey. Crimean Tatar consists of three major dialects: the Central dialect is currently used as the standard variety while the Northern and Southern dialects are endangered. The vowel system of standard Crimean Tatar distinguishes eight vowel phonemes. Crimean Tatar has backness and rounding harmony, as is the case in many Turkic languages (most notably, Turkish). However, rounding harmony is quite different from other Turkic languages, being licensed only by the first two syllables of the word. The inflectional morphology of Crimean Tatar is exclusively suffixing, and derivational morphology makes use of both suffixation and compounding. Syntactically, Crimean Tatar uses the usual Turkic patterns; however, the word order is not strictly SOV, possibly reflecting Russian influence. Complex sentences are formed through the coordination of clauses with or without conjunctions. Fully embedded clauses are formed with non-finite verb forms such as participles and converbs. This book contains the first full description of Crimean Tatar…
Henryk JANKOWSKI Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated, 2006 ISBN : 978 90 04 15433 9 Açıklama : Hardback. vi, 1298 pp., 60 illus. This dictionary, the first of its kind in Turkological studies, will prove to be an invaluable research tool for those studying the Crimea, Ukraine, as well as Eurasian Nomadism. It is the result of year-long painstaking research into the etymology of Crimean pre-Russian habitation names, providing insight into the Turkic, Greek, Caucasian place-names in a comparative context, as well as the histories of these cities, towns and villages themselves. The dictionary contains approximately 1,500 entries, preceded by an introduction with notes on the history of the Crimea and the structure of habitation names. For the reader’s convenience, many entries are classified in indices which follow the main part of the book. Additionally, three detailed primary source maps, separately indexed, are appended to the dictionary, as well as a map showing the administration network of the Crimea at the end of the Crimean Tatar Khanate.
Brian Glyn WILLIAMS . : Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated, 2001 ISBN-13: 978-9004121225 488 sayfa This volume provides the most up-to-date analysis of the ethnic cleansing of the Crimean Tatars, their exile in Central Asia and their struggle to return to the Crimean homeland. It also traces the formation of this diaspora nation from Mongol times to the collapse of the Soviet Union. A theme which emerges through the work is the gradual construction of the Crimea as a national homeland by its indigenous Tatar population. It ends with a discussion of the post-Soviet repatriation of the Crimean Tatars to their Russified homeland and the social, emotional and identity problems involved.
Edward A. ALLWORTH . Duke University Press Books; 2 edition ISBN-13: 978-0822319948 400 sayfa.
Alan W. FISHER . Hoover Institution Press, 1978 ISBN : 978-0-8179-6662-1
Edward A. ALLWORTH . : Duke University Press, 1988 ISBN : 978-0822319948978-0822319948 Açıklama : Format: Hardcover, 396pp. This new edition of Edward A. Allworth’s The Tatars of Crimea has been extensively updated. Five new chapters examine the situation of Crimean Tatars since the breakup of the USSR in 1991 and detail the continuing struggle of the Tatars to find peace and acceptance in a homeland. Contributors to this volume—almost half of whom are Tatars—discuss the problematic results of the partial Tatar return to Crimea that began in the 1980s. This incomplete migration has left the group geographically split and has complicated their desire for stability as a people, whether in their own homeland or in the Central Asian diaspora. Those who have returned to the region on the Black Sea in Ukrayina (formerly Ukraine) have found themselves engulfed in a hostile political environment dominated by Russian residents attempting to stifle the resurgence of Crimean Tatar life. Specific essays address the current political situation in and around Crimea, recent elections, and promising developments in the culture, leadership, and movement toward unity among Crimean Tatars. Beyond demonstrating the problems of one nationality caught in a fierce power struggle, The Tatars of Crimea offers an example of…
Hakan S. KIRIMLI. Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated, ISBN : 978-9004105096 This volume dwells on the process of the formation of the modern national identity among the Crimean Tatars during the first decades of this century. One of the basic postulates of this study is that the national movements played a crucial and definitive role in this process. Therefore, the formation of national identity among the Crimean Tatars is traced and analyzed in the course of the successive national movements of the period. Although the main focus of the study is on the period between 1905-1916, the subject-matter is complemented by a general portrayal of Crimean Tatar society during the first century of Russian rule over the Crimea and an analytical account of the two formative decades of Ismail Bey Gaspıralı’s reforms prior to 1905. The study devotes meticulous care in placing the subject within the context of the parallel processes of other Turkic and/or Muslim peoples.
Greta UEHLING. In the final days of World War II, Stalin ordered the deportation of the entire Crimean Tatar population, nearly 200,000 people. Beyond Memory offers the first ethnographic exploration of this event, as well as the 50 year movement for repatriation. Many of the Crimean Tatars have returned in a process that involves squatting on vacant land and self-immolation. Uehling asks how they became willing to die for their national collectivity. She provides a fine-grained analysis of how “memories,” sentiments, and dreams of a homeland never seen came to be shared. Uehling suggests the second-generation has a surprisingly instrumental role to play. The way children correct and intervene in parental narratives, dissidents challenge interrogators, and speakers borrow and trade lines index this social aspect of memory. This book offers the first in-depth, ethnographic exploration of the Crimean Tatars’ experience of deportation from Ukraine at the end of World War II, examining how “memories” and sentiments were created and came to shape the dramatic repatriation to historic lands, which involved squatting and self-immolation. İçindekiler : Orthographic Note ix Acknowledgments xi List of Illustrations xiii Introduction 1 (24) The Lay of the Historic Land 25 (24) The Faces of…