Perception of homeland among Crimean Tatar diaspora living in Turkey as reflected on the diaspora journal Emel Kırım Tatarlarının diyaspora dergisi Emel’de Türkiye’deki Kırım Tatarlarının anavatan algısı
İngilizce , Latin , Tez / 2 Ocak 2018

Feyza TOPRAK Ankara: ., 2013 Universite : Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Tez Türü : Yüksek Lisans This study concentrates on the changing discourses on homeland in the Crimean Tatar diaspora journal Emel. The research is carried out on the basis of articles and poems published by the diaspora intellectuals, authors, and poets, namely diaspora activists. The historical context, which is the reference point for these discourses, covers the period between the years 1960 and 1994 during which, as deemed “Emel” accomplished its primary mission attributed. Moreover, the study explores how the diaspora elite constructed their national identity in three and a half decade by using the term homeland and the national sentiments attached to it. This study also focuses on other discoursive elements than homeland utilized in Emel to forge a distinct national identity among Crimean Tatar diaspora living in Turkey. It also determines the continuities and ruptures in the themes used by the diaspora elite groups to reconstruct their transnational identities. In addition, the study analyses how the identity consciousness that occurred in the diaspora community turned out to be diaspora nationalism in these thirty four years.   Bu çalışma Türkiye’de yaşayan Kırım Tatarları’nın diaspora dergisi Emel‘i inceleyerek diaspora eliti tarafından yazılan ve yayınlanan…